Monday, September 10, 2012

Ah, the memories...

Most of us scrapbook - at least in part - because we want to preserve our family's memories. If you're like me, there are some photos and memories that get pushed to the side for one reason or another.  Personally, I have a tendency to scrapbook newer pictures as they get printed and the older ones sometimes get forgotten.  

This week I'm going to share a layout based on a photo that I took over 4 years ago.  My husband took a voluntary transfer/promotion when his company built a new facility in Georgia.  This is a picture I took on our first trip to visit our new city.  It's been printed out since 2008, just sitting in a basket of photos in my craft room.  This week, I finally decided to scrapbook it:

Here's a close-up of some of the journaling:

I'm actually busy making new memories with my family this week (I'll share details soon!). 

Happy crafting, Nesters!


  1. This is beautiful Chery, you do do scape pages so well, it is something I have never done

  2. sorry missed the L from your name!! I need my bed

  3. What a great layout, Dawn!! I've been trying to scrapbook old pictures, too!! We really DO tend to forget them and just use our new ones.

  4. Replies
    1. Meant to add before hitting enter that I have also been trying to scrap some older photos mixed in with the new :)

  5. So cute!! What an adorable picture that is. I should do this-I have a ton of old (and new) photos to get into albums.
