Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Back from a Much-Needed Break

Sometimes, you just need a break.  Last week, I finished up a very hectic semester at work (I ended up teaching 8 classes - and I'm a part-timer!).  I was looking forward to my two-week break before the summer term when last Tuesday happened.  My husband was having some lower abdominal pain, and we spent the day (the WHOLE day) at the doctor's office.  Thankfully, he's fine, but it was a day lost.  And sometimes a day can throw my whole week!  (I'm hoping someone else is like me in this regard...I have very well-managed Asperger's, but I'm totally comfortable blaming it on that, too.)

Then, my husband took a few vacation days (our 13th wedding anniversary was yesterday), and as part of his vacation time, we've taken a break from almost all social media.  It's been really nice.  I even went 36 hours at one point between email checks.  Considering that I normally check email at least 12 times a day (did I mention I teach mainly online classes?), it was especially refreshing to not worry about it - even if it was just for a little while.

Life is returning back to normal tomorrow (my husband is back to work, and the boys and I will go back to our regular routine), but I feel refreshed.  Even if I didn't get as much accomplished around the house as I would have liked.  Even if I didn't get as many crafty projects completed as I had hoped.  I was given the chance to be with my family and rest, and I am thankful for it.

Has anyone else taken a break recently?  As I get older, I'm learning that it's important to rest (though I still wish each day had just a couple more hours in it!).

P.S.  For all our momma's (and momma-figures), I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday!

1 comment :

  1. Wow! 8 classes is a lot!
    I definitely need breaks from the computer every now and then. I try to take one every other month or so.
    Great pages!
